Last weekend, I managed to get the soffits on the North and South sides of the house and we fianlly got it all wrapped also. Mom was out here giving me a hand with things, she was a big help and it was reassuring to have someone around while climbing the ladder and working under the overhang. Somebody did'nt leave the ground very level for a ladder to sit on properly. That upper part is now all closed in, and just in time too.

I just did'nt want to be climbing around on the ladder in the snow and mud. The old cabin is kinda camoflauged now. I guess it is just about that time of the year again. The soffits on the East and West gable ends and the siding are going to wait until next summer. I jOust wanted the house to be sealed for now. I have a couple windows and doors to go in, and then I will concentrate on some wiring and plumbing I guess. That is, when the job allows for it.
This is a personal blog, mainly for my own use. I am building a house with my own two hands, but I am learning alot of things as I go. I do not claim to know what I am doing, or if anything I do is even close to being done correctly or safely. So please, if you are planning on using any of my ideas or methods for your own use, please get professional advice before actually following through with your actions. I will not be held responsible for any injuries or damages of any kind caused by information or comments from this blog.
Hey the cabin is looking great and I know the feeling about wanting to get it closed in, I am working on my parents cabin right now and that is the goal as well, I will add the link if you want to check it out, Looking forward to the finished product.
The cabin updates are on the right hand side.
Good going there on the soffits. Its a good feeling when things are finally closed in. I still have some tweeking to do as far as gaps etc. Its nice your Mom is a part of this. My Mom helped me out a lil bit and although she feels she didnt do much she was a big help to me.
ReplyDeleteI cant believe you already have snow. We are still seeing temps in the upper 80's out here..lol. ~Jen
THANK YOU for posting!
common cents
with it all closed in like that, it will be more comfortable to do the inside work this winter won't it? I've been looking at teh little blips of white that are showing up on the weather map of the US. Hadn't looked at Canada b/c frankly your weather doesn't affect my work. So your snow picture surprised me! And I was just thinking this morning, "Gee, there hadn't been any snow yet this year except on the big mountains." Guess I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteShoot Mark, it's looking kinda cold. Great job on the soffits, I'm sure it's a good feeling to have that done before winter hits hard.
ReplyDeleteHope work is going well for ya too!
You are just moving right along!Amazing what you've managed to get done, buddy!
ReplyDeleteWon't be long and you'll be thinking about where the garden goes!
Hey Scott, I briefly checked your link out too. It's looking great also. Thanks Scott.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen. It is a good feeling to have them soffits up. Not looking forward to doing the gable ends, but maybe I will rent a man lift for a few days next summer. I like it when mom is out here when I'm doing the risky stuff, it just makes more sense that way. She always finds other things to do too sometimes, like nag when my shack gets too messy and all. lol. But thats ok.
ReplyDeleteHey Steve. Interesting blog. I like your handle.
ReplyDeleteHello Sarah, ya it will be nice working inside with it all closed in. I plan on insulating sometime this winter and I kinda need that closed in so the critters don't go messing things up that I won't be able to get at later. We never seem to know when the snow is going to hit from year to year. I've seen it in September, and there has also been winters that it did'nt snow until after Christmas. Lately though, it has been rainy and snowy for the last few days. Down right messy.
ReplyDeleteHey Jeanie. It IS a bit chilly here. That snow is already melted though and things are just plain messy. It does feel pretty good to get those soffits up. A little at a time. Thanks Jeanie.
ReplyDeleteLittle by little Jim. I guess it just might get done sometime in this life. I can't wait until I have time for a garden, I know it will happen sometime soon though. Thanks Jim