Monday, October 19, 2009

The Process of Moving

I went and picked up a shed that I had stored at one of my brother's place. I used to keep my quad and a garden tractor in it, and my brother would store his garden tractor in it for the winter also. But I went out and scooped it up. I had it parked out in front of my place in town for a week while I was slowly putting alot of my stuff into it. Then I hauled it out to the acerage, tied the skids to a tree and drove away. There she sits, still loaded. Done deal.
I got the mound plumbing all glued up and covered. Hopefully it is all done right.

I put more gravel over the pipes, then a layer of landscaping cloth, then about 3/4 of a big round bale of wheat straw. Over the straw, I put all the dirt from the top layer of my basement diggings. Then I covered it all with some nice topsoil that I hauled in from the new Ritchie Bros Auction site awhile back. I need to touch it up a bit with the quad and a drag of some sort, just to smoothen it all up a bit, then seed it to grass and watch it grow (next summer).
Traction (the dog) is putting it all to the test. Mom was out giving me a hand with this project too, she was a big help doing some raking on the gravel layer, and picking roots out of the first layer of dirt, and of course lunch and other small jobs. I can't even take all the credit anymore. I think I am starting to rely on the help, (maybe not a good thing), but it does get things done alot quicker. Thanks Mom. (I feel like such a slave driver sometimes).

Today was kind of wasted day running around town looking for something, but I don't even know what. Tomorrow I am planning on taking some more goodies out there, and getting started with setting up my tempory home out at the acerage. I hope to have it situated and with some kind of a power source tomorrow. Reality of moving is kinda sinking in lately. I have to admit that I am a little stressed out lately with all that is going on. But on the other hand, I can hardly wait to get out there and get living a totally different way of life. It's going to be interesting.


  1. Getting outside our comfort zones always gets the adrenaline flowing, but sometimes that is just what we need to give ourselves a good kick in the rear end. The homestead is looking great and you are following your dream. Great job.

  2. lol I like the way you moved your stuff Mark... used the shed like a giant suitcase. :) That was a great idea!
    You three are getting a lot done....nice job!!

  3. Great. Once done you will know the freedom I feel right now. You have acomplished a hell of a lot in a short time. Enjoy.

    See Ya

  4. Thanks alot Wayne. I am definately out of my comfort zone at times, just hoping the little shack stands up to the cold winter ahead.

  5. Thanks Jeanie. Sometimes being lazy makes you come up with some good ideas. I don't think I will have to touch much of the stuff in that shed for awhile now.

  6. Thanks Tony. I can already feel some freedom.

  7. Ive been away for a while Hermit but you are doing fantastic!!! You really have got alot done. Im happy for you. ~Jen

  8. Thanks Jen. I have been not very active on here myself. Just too much happening lately I guess.
