Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Bit of Everything Today
Monday, September 28, 2009
Basement Floor Framing
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tomatoe Crop and the Floor Construction
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cistern and some Building Supplies.
I was able to get an earlier start this morning, but I did have to go and put a deposit on my trusses that I ordered. The day was windy. I had 5 packs of insulation all bundled into one and was laying loose inside the culvert. When I started down the hiway, I seen the wind pick up the bundle and haul it away. It hit the hiway and did a few bounces and rolls, and to my amazement, it all hung together in the bundle. I had visions of yellow insulation blowing all over a farmers field and the hiway, but I got lucky I guess. I can't even believe the wind picked that up. It is insulation, but it is pretty heavy the way it packed tightly like that. I had to go and get it out of the ditch, and it was hard work getting it back on. This time I tied it all down.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Almost Ready for Wood
Friday, September 18, 2009
Larger Sump required.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Foundation Pipes
September 16
With a wood basement, the permit people clearly state "no weeping tile". So instead, I am going with this system. I did'nt need the pipes connected on the inside. I could have just left them to drain on the ground inside the footings in a bed of clean gravel, under the floor. I don't want any moisture under there if I can help it though. If I could have gone with normal weeping tile, the whole job would have been alot quicker. There would have been no cutting 2 inch pipe, no drilling 2 1/2 inch holes in the footing forms, no connecting all these pipes together. This does take alot more time, but that is the price to pay when one is frugal. (All this pipe was'nt exactly cheap either). lol. I'm estimating about $250 CAD for all the pipe and fittings for the foundation drainage. But once it is done, it is done. I am hoping that this whole system is just a backup and will never actually see water.
September 17
I got all the pipes around the inside perimeter attached. I just need to attach the four sides to the sump pit. Today was'nt real productive, not in the building department anyway. I had a bunch of other things that needed done first. My eye glasses needed repair, my washing machine blew up on me. (I had to replace a couple of belts, nothing too serious). A bunch more running around town for supplies and idea's.
I am getting pretty close to deciding on the water storage device that I will go with. I'm pretty sure it will be an 8 foot diameter corragated culvert type cistern. It will be a little more work to install, but it is less money for more gallons. I can also haul and handle it myself. I'm pretty sure my 410 backhoe would have a little trouble throwing a 1500 gallon concrete cistern into the ground. But this baby I think I can move somehow. They tell me that 1 meter of this pipe will hold about 1000 gallons of water. It costs about $475/meter. I'm thinking about getting 3 or 3.5 meters(about 11.5 feet) which would be roughly $1662.00. But I will have to spend a little more on some concrete for the botton of the cistern also. A 1500 gallon concrete cistern would be about $3600.00. Plus I would need the manhole extensions for extra money, and they would have to deliver and put it in the ground for me for even more extra money. I also looked into fiberglass and plastic ones. They are pricey also and kinda touchy installing it sounds like.
My sewage septic tank is probably going to be a concrete 750 gallon unit. About $1750.00 plus manhole extensions, pump, delivery and whatever else.
Anyway, for now, I am still working on my sump pit. I would like to get my cistern in soon, so that I can backfill the trench and get on with other things. I don't want to sound real picky here, but I am planning on doing a little bit of cementing along the outside of my footings, to get a bit of a slope away from the footings and also to fill in the low spots right along the footings, where water would love to accumulate. I honestly don't think many other builders would worry about something like this, maybe they would, I don't know, but I am going to experiment with it. It really should'nt take too much time (lol), but it will make me feel alot better about the whole foundation situation. Then it should be onto some wood going down.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Battle with a rock.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Water Line Trench and Misc.
Once I got out to the shack site, I cleaned and sloped the outside perimeter of my footings. I went all around the footings. Two wheel barrows of dirt fill the hoe bucket. I dumped about 3 buckets. I want to get the water to stay away from my footings and drain to daylight, via a trench I am going to dig soon. I hauled two wheel barrows of concrete spillage down to the creek. I have a bad spot down there that likes to wash away.
Trenching the water line to the cistern location. There's the plastic conduit, the 1 inch water line will slide through that. It was starting to get dark by the time I shut it down. Did'nt get home till about 10. I worked up a pretty good sweat the first part of the day, then I needed a break by jumping on the hoe and doing some digging. Seems like a good way to split up the day.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Poured Footings
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Pouring Concrete on Saturday Hopefully.
I was wanting to line up a cement truck for Friday, but could'nt get one until Saturday, which is good, because , as it turned out, I am not ready yet. When I look at what needs to be done, I think it should take a couple hours, but then it usually ends up taking the whole day and then some. Today my plan was to have my plumbing in the ground and under the footing. That plan backfired when I accidentally glued a chunk of 4" a little off kilter. I knew how I wanted it, but it just did'nt end up there, and I tried to change it real quickly, but it was too late. That 4" pipe is a little akward to work with. Anyway, I need to pick up some new fittings and redo some of it. So the pipefitting came to an end for today. I started to clean out my forms. The off and on rain I had lately kinda softend up the ground that my little house will sit. I thought I should scrape the top layer of dirt off, so that the ground could still be called undisturbed soil. Maybe I am being too picky? I don't think so. I know alot of people whos house shifts alot. Walls cracking, sewer pipes underneath getting damaged and causing all kinds of problems and basement floor heaving, etc. I just want to do what I can to try and avoid all this. If I can start with a good dry and solid foundation and try to keep it that way, I just may have one of the most well built houses(shack) in Canada. lol.
Hopefully the weather works with me for a while. I'm getting tired of looking at that empty hole in the ground. I really need to start working on a different phase. Maybe I can spend a couple months building the basement floor. lol.
The video seems to be taking a million years to upload, I don't know whats going on. Maybe I will try again tomorrow or something. For now, I'll throw in some pictures.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Footing Forms
I sure do hope that the snow holds off for awhile. I am quite sure that I will be doing some of this in the snow eventually, but the longer it waits the better. Tonight feels like anything could blow in. For now the plan is to be out of my house in town for November 1. That is when my potential renter could take possesion. But, she does tell me that it is flexible, depending whether or not I am ready. Im ready. lol. I'm sure that once the footings are poured, things will start to happen. I just want my basement to be done and backfilled sometime soon, then I really don't care about the rest. My mother has been out there giving me a bit of a hand at times lately. She's a good hand, and most of time she brings out some pretty good lunches.
Alot of people still think I am nuts, and are suggesting that I should build a bigger house. LOL. I'm thinking maybe smaller if anything.